beetroot juice for weight loss

Beetroot juice recipe for weight loss: Carrot-apple miracle juice

Are you on a weight-loss diet and looking for a great juice recipe? Today, I am going to share with you a unique beetroot juice recipe with a unique name.

I am talking about the famous miracle juice called ABC juice.

You might be wondering what this ABC has to do with the recipe.

About the beetroot juice recipe

Let me tell you that here ABC stands for Apple, Beetroot, and Carrot, the three main ingredients used in the recipe.

This is called miracle juice because it works like a miracle when it comes to losing weight and supporting your fitness journey.

The juice is so refreshing that gives you a small kick of tanginess filled with the freshness of mint.

I will also share with you the video recipe by Kitchen Gyaan later in this post.

Having said that, let me start the recipe.

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Beetroot juice recipe for weight loss: The Miracle Juice

Here is the list of ingredients we will be using to make this beetroot juice:


  • Apple: 1
  • Beetroot: 1/2
  • Carrot: 2
  • Ginger: 1/2 inch
  • Lemon juice: a few drops
  • Mint leaves: 8-10 leaves
  • Honey: 2-3 tsp
  • Water: 1 glass

Also read: Anubhav Kumar’s Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

Preparation method

  • First take fresh beetroot, carrot, and apple and peel them
  • With the help of a knife chop them into smaller pieces suitable for mixer grinding
  • Now in a mixer jar put all the chipped ingredients
  • Next add ginger, mint leaves, and lemon juice one by one into the jar
  • Finally, add honey and a glass of water in the mentioned quantity
  • Now it is time to grind them into a fine puree
  • Once everything is done, take out the juice from the puree. You can use a spoon to press the juice out of the puree
  • Take out the juice in a separate container and give it a nice mix with the help of a spoon
  • Next, take your favorite serving glass and transfer the miracle juice to it
  • If you want you can add a few leaves of mint on the top for a fresh appeal
  • Your miracle ABC juice is ready in a few minutes. Enjoy!

How to make beetroot juice for weight loss: Video Recipe

Nutrition value of ABC juice

Here is the approx nutrition value per 250 ml of beetroot, carrot, and apple juice

  • Protein:  1.7 gram
  • Fat:  0.4 gram
  • Carbs:  17.8 gram
  • Fiber: 6.6 grams
  • Total Calories: 81 calories

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As you can see above the miracle beetroot juice has 81 calories per 250 ml. Which according to an ideal weight loss diet fits perfectly.

The Beetroot juice is full of nutrition and low in calories. It has 1.7 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of fat in 250 ml serving.

Preparation time: Miracle juice

  • Servings:  2 min
  • Preparation time:  10 min
  • Cook Time:  5 min
  • Total Time:  15 min

Beetroot (juice) facts: Weight loss and health benefits

Let’s talk about some health benefits of beetroot. Beets are known for their vitamin contents and have all important vitamins in different portions.

They are also rich in minerals and full of other important nutrients.

They are rich in fiber as well support well loss and help in weight loss management.

Coming to the nutrition part, cooked beetroot has 44 calories in 100 grams of servings. Individually cooked beetroot has 1.7 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber, 0.2 grams of fat, and 1.7 grams of protein per 100 grams.

The best with beetroot is that it is low in calories and can be eaten in volume without worrying much about calories.

However, it is not advisable to consume beets more than the recommended quantity for constipation and other health-related issues.

If consumed in moderation it has many health benefits and helps you with your weight loss journey.

But how come beet helps in weight loss management? Beets are low in calories and mostly contain water making it idle for a weight-loss diet.

It is also rich in fiber (has moderate protein) which is also a plus point for making you full for longer duration and avoid overeating.

if you want to know more about the health benefits of beets you can check the article by Healthline.

Final Thought

I hope you liked the beetroot recipe for weight loss shared in this post. You can always have plain beetroot juice if you do not like to add other ingredients like carrot and apple.

I have added these two ingredients to add more health benefits and some exciting flavors.

As mentioned earlier, beets are very helpful in weight loss management as they are low in calories. They are rich in vitamins and minerals.

They mostly contain water and fiber which are good for weight loss and controlling appetite for a longer duration.

If you want me to share more beetroot recipes including juices, salads, shakes, and soup, do let me know in the comment. I will try to share them in my next post.

Meanwhile, you can prepare this miracle ABC juice and let me know your experience with it. I am sure you will love its flavors and fall in love with its freshness.

Wish you all the best with your weight loss journey. Do not forget to add these beets to your weight loss diet and reap the benefits.

See you later!

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